Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It comes down to this

Enough with the conventions, the speeches, the looming debates and the negative ads.
Let's settle this with a game of HORSE for the presidency.
Barry "O'Bomber" Obama vs. Sarah "Barracuda" Palin.
I will pay good money to see it happen.

UPDATE — Just a few quick thoughts about Wednesday night at the RNC:

• Linda Lingle, governor of Hawaii, played the POW card during her speech. She remarked that John McCain was suited to lead because he understands "hardship" like few others can. It's true that McCain spent years in a POW camp, but the "hardship" Lingle was referring to was economic hardship facing millions of American families today. In this respect, it's not quite known what kinds of hardships Senator McCain has faced.

• Mike Huckabee won my respect again for saying John McCain was his "second choice" for president. You've gotta love someone having the fortitude to say something like that after the GOP threw Huck, Romney and Ron Paul under the bus to make McCain their man.

• I'm pretty sure Rudy Giuliani ad libbed his speech (few scripted references to "9/11") — and it probably suits him better. Why? I won't say — but if I did, it would be with a terrible lisp.

• Cindy McCain seems to have adopted the Palins as her own family after ignoring her own half-sister.

More later following Sarah Palin's speech.


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