The importance of being handy
I like things that work.
Call me crazy, but as intriguing it may be to take something apart and learn how something works, I have far better uses for my time than spending hours fixing something, or (for the things beyond my capabilities) waiting for them to be fixed.
My townhome has been plagued with any number of problems since I moved in just a few months ago, starting with the lack of air conditioning for about a month in summer. Since then, the issues have included a cracked bathtub, a cracked oven knob, a cracked toilet cover, poor wiring for the phone and cable jacks, a horrifically placed electrical outlet just inches from the kitchen faucet and then some.
But the roof hasn't leaked (yet) and the electricity is on all the time, so I find it hard to complain too much — this blog post notwithstanding.
But it makes me appreciate my car a lot more when I put it all in perspective.
The sporty little Pontiac has been in my possession since the summer of 2000. Aside from a small repair to the wiring, minor scares from the 'Check Engine' light (nothing serious) and the inevitable oil changes and tire replacements one incurs over the course of 76,000-plus miles, the car has held up well so far.
I try not to drive it over long distances anymore (that's what our new gas-guzzling monstrosity is for), but every day it starts up with no problems. While it will be a sad day when that's no longer the case, I love my car and it returns my affection with a headache-free day when it comes to automotive matters.
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