Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You Play To Win The Game

For those of you interested in Powerball, hold onto your freaking hats... the winds of change are blowing in lottery land.
Starting Jan. 4, 2009, more white-ball numbers will be added to "make the jackpots bigger," while at the same time some red-ball integers will be going away "to create more winners."
The Powerball Powers That Be say this will result in more than 3.5 million more winning tickets each year at the same level of sales.
Bigger jackpots and more winners... Sounds awesome, right?
The starting jackpot is getting a $5-million bump from $15 million to $20 million... so when you inevitably take the lump-sum payment right away, you'll be left with maybe $70,000 more after taxes come next year.... that's enough to pay a good accountant to handle your finances, or a bad lawyer to sift through all the lawsuits you'll be getting from people who claim they're owed a share of your winnings.


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