Monday, November 3, 2008

Thanks to be given

For all the name-calling, smearing, race-baiting and ageism the 2008 presidential campaign has produced on behalf of the major-party candidates, there is one bit of truth I read today in an Associated Press story by Ted Anthony that just astounds me:

"In a country accustomed to low voter turnout, apathy has not been a problem this year."

Until now, I had not known an election year where there was a shortage of pundits decrying the lack of interest in the election, on any level, by any group of people (usually young adults).

My only worry is that the historic nature of this presidential campaign is the motivating force for this increased interest, and that future campaigns will not live up to this level of political engagement for the average American. But if there is one thing I am hopeful for in this electoral season, it is that I am mistaken in this regard — that the metaphoric wave of a surge we've seen, in the everyman's desire to be informed and active in the political process, will not break on the shores of Nov. 5, but rather continue on for days, weeks, months and years to come.

So to everyone who voted early and took their civic duty seriously, thank you.
To everyone who will be making to the polls on Nov. 4 to exercise their rights, irrespective of their political leanings, thank you


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