Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Veepstakes: The Republicans

In the interest of equal time, here's my odds on who John McCain will choose to share the ticket with him come this November:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty: 3-2 (Buzz is loud, GOP convention's on his home turf)

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani: 2-1
(Would create most moderate GOP ticket in years)

Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney: 3-1
(Would make a lot of folks on the right happy)

Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee: 4-1
(Hurt his chances by staying in race little too long)

US Senator Jim DeMint:
7-1 (Young, Southern and staunch social conservative)

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist: 7-1
(No guarantees in Florida now Katherine Harris is gone)

Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice:
9-1 (Only if a Mideast peace deal gets done - That's a big if)

Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr: 12-1
(Poor man's Mitt Romney; both he and McCain adopted)

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin: 15-1
(You know how much McCain likes younger women)

US Senator Hillary Clinton: 25-1
(I'll stop suggesting it when the GOP stops praising her in an effort to win over her more-fickle supporters)

La. Gov. Bobby Jindal: 35-1
(Is this guy ready to be a heartbeat away from world leader?)

Actor Fred Thompson: 50-1
(Another GOP stalwart who likes 'em young)

Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush: 50-1
(Can't be worse than his brother... Can he?)

Cyclist Lance Armstrong: 100-1
(Dumped his wife for a pop star; McCain understands)


Ted June 10, 2008 at 4:48 PM  

Odds aside, there's only one name on that list that assures McCain a victory in November, and that is Alaska Gov Sarah Palin -- so I'm going to have to assume there's where McCain will go.

Ted June 12, 2008 at 5:12 PM  

Again, this is not rocket science.
Palin as McCain’s Veep.

CH June 18, 2008 at 11:14 AM  

And there's no chance McCain will go with a known commodity? I still think a lot of voters will judge the McCain ticket based on whether his VP pick is ready for the presidency.
Palin, like fellow Gov. Bobby Jindal, isn't well-known outside of her home state and can't point to any major policy achievement that will resonate with voters nationwide. You might be on to something, but I just can't give her much of a chance.

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