Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 4 Voting: Early Predictions

I'll quickly add to the dearth of educated guesses concerning today's set of primary and caucus voting:
• Hillary Clinton will find a reason or two to stay in the race, regardless of her performance in Ohio and Texas. Even if Obama takes both states, I don't see this race ending before Pennsylvania unless HRC is absolutely blown out today.

• Obama will not score his knockout; the recent swing in momentum toward Clinton (as witnessed in a number of recent polls and surveys) will keep Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island close, with HRC scoring at least one win in the big delegate states of Texas and Ohio.

The Dallas Morning News endorsement of Mike Huckabee will have a larger-than-expected effect on GOP returns. I think more and more people are considering the possibility of John McCain serving one term before letting whoever ends up as veep take up the Republican banner in 2012. I wouldn't be surprised if Huckabee or Romney ends up on the ticket with McCain, just as Democratic runner-up John Edwards ran with John Kerry in 2004.

• Conversely, there's no chance in heck of a Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton ticket... Look for John Edwards to be on the shortlist for Obama and Bill Richardson on HRC's shortlist for vice president.

• Rush Limbaugh will say something absolutely asinine Wednesday regarding Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Howard Dean.


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