Read All About It: National Buy A Newspaper Day
"The newspaper is heavily focused on local news. It keeps you informedabout events in your town and keeps local government in-line.So for one day, Monday, Feb. 2, 2009, please make it a point to pickup your local newspaper (reading it online doesn't count).It doesn't matter if it's a daily or weekly, right-leaning orleft-leaning. If you're a college student and you get the school paperfor free, buy the town paper. If you subscribe, why not pick up asecond copy?Who knows? You might like what you see and come back another day, andanother, and another…"
The Monday, Feb. 2, edition of The Aurora Sentinel will be on racks across Aurora for free, but don't let that stop you from taking part... Grab a copy and share it with your friends and family.
And those of you with millions in your bank account, I do know of a local newspaper you can buy right out and truly make it your own.
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