Wednesday, July 9, 2008

GOP Veepstakes Version 2.0

John McCain still has time to decide, so here's my new predictions so he doesn't have to think about it any further:

Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney: 2-1 (Best choice to reinvigorate the conservative crowd)

La. Gov. Bobby Jindal: 3-1 (GOP heavyweights are busy hyping him something fierce)

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty: 4-1
(Still plenty of buzz, but what does he add geographically?)

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist: 6-1 (Doing everything in his power to boost profile, including getting married — to a woman, no less)

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani: 8-1
(A 'thank-you' gift from McCain for helping him secure the nomination?)

Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee: 10-1 (Now working as a contributor for Fox News, which should destroy any credibility a politician [or journalist] has left)

US Senator Jim DeMint:
12-1 (Who?)

Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice: 20-1 (Can she point to any single success as Secretary of State?)

Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr: 30-1
(Poor man's Mitt Romney — meh)

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin: 40-1
(You know how much McCain likes younger women)

Actor Fred Thompson: 50-1 (Another GOP stalwart who likes 'em young)

Former Fla. Gov. Jeb Bush: 50-1
(Pretty certain he can't be worse than his brother[s])

Cyclist Lance Armstrong: 100-1
(Someone the late, great George Carlin could do without)

Dem Veepstakes Version 2.0

About a month has passed, so here's my revised odds on who Barack Obama will choose to share the ticket with him come this November:

Former Sen. John Edwards: 3-2 (Slowly warming to idea after initially ruling out spot)

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: 2-1 (Obama's electoral map sees blue states out West)

Ret. General Wesley Clark: 4-1 (Still the safest pro-Clinton choice available)

US Senator Chuck Hagel: 5-1 (The Obama candidacy makes history again with GOP VP)

US Senator Hillary Clinton: 6-1 (Doesn't paying off her debts = No guaranteed VP spot?)

US Senator Joe Biden: 8-1 (I like him, but the "East Coast Liberal" tag might hurt)

Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius: 9-1 (She can't deliver KS, but she might bring out women)

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer: 20-1 (Who?)

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg: 25-1 (Is there anyone who really likes him?)

US Senator Evan Bayh: 30-1
(The poor man's Wes Clark has missed his shot)

Former Va. Gov. Mark Warner: 50-1 (Probably will stick to his US Senate campaign)

US Senator James Webb: 100-1 (Says he won't accept No. 2 spot even if offered)

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The once and future savage outpost for my semi-meaningful thoughts and monologues that are too long for Twitter and not good enough to be sprawled across the front page of every major metropolitan newspaper in America with 120-pt. headlines. Also, the occasional diversion via YouTube.

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Most of the great artists never live to see their work truly appreciated on a global scale... Vincent van Gogh. Johann Sebastian Bach. Keyboard Cat.

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