Sunday, February 17, 2008

'Maestro' comes to Murphy Creek K-8

Be sure to check out the Monday, Feb. 18, Aurora Sentinel for photos from Jeff "Maestro" Hughes' visit to Murphy Creek K-8 in Aurora. Hughes was recently part of the orchestra for the Foo Fighters' Grammy performance on Feb. 10 after taking part in an online contest via YouTube for the chance to rock out with the band on an international stage.


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The once and future savage outpost for my semi-meaningful thoughts and monologues that are too long for Twitter and not good enough to be sprawled across the front page of every major metropolitan newspaper in America with 120-pt. headlines. Also, the occasional diversion via YouTube.

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Most of the great artists never live to see their work truly appreciated on a global scale... Vincent van Gogh. Johann Sebastian Bach. Keyboard Cat.

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