Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ike for Dummies

Be sure to check out this week's Pulse section in the Aurora Sentinel Weekend and Home editions for my review of Michael Korda's Ike: An American Hero.
I highly recommend it for those unfamiliar with Eisenhower or his generation. It's not exactly the CliffsNotes take on the 34th president and five-star general, but it's close.
For history buffs and World War II enthusiasts, it rehashes much of what you already know. The book also skips over much of Eisenhower's time in the White House.
As I suggest in the review, seek out the voluminous works of Stephen Ambrose — Eisenhower's official biographer — for the definitive word on Ike.
And if you're ever in Kansas, be sure to check out the Presidential Library and Museum in Abiene. It's an incredible place, with five buildings spread out over 22 acres, and will give you further insight into Ike.


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