Sunday, September 30, 2007

The worst man in sports

So, Keith Olbermann, the San Diego Chargers' loss to the Kansas City Chiefs was SO shocking?


Okay, full disclosure: I am, in fact, a Kansas City Chiefs fan... more than two years living in the Denver metro area hasn't dampened the almost lifelong love I have for the boys in red and gold. Mind you, I have little against the Broncos (except for those two weeks a year where KC must do battle with Denver)... so bear with me.

Mr. Olbermann, while pontificating on "Football Night in America" Sunday evening, he made it sound as if Chargers, they of the same hometown as the Famous Chicken, had a breakdown in the vein of the New York Mets this year or the Roman Empire in the Third Century C.E.

Puh-lease, Mr. Olbermann. How many other 2006 playoff teams have you given such degrading treatment to? Lest I remind the world, Oakland, Kansas City, Green Bay and Detroit all have two wins or more now that Week Four heads to its zenith.

No, I won't make any silly "SportsCenter" jokes. Mr. Olbermann now conducts himself with a bit more seriousness than the irreverent ESPN show usually espoused, nevermind his unrelenting need to bash just about anyone while letting those not-so-well-acquainted with his profession to mistaken him for an honest-to-goodness journalist.

But Keith, give the Chiefs a chance. Two wins in a row, they must be doing something right. I'm just glad no one gave him a pulpit (yet) to lament on the Texas Longhorns' disastrous loss to my alma mater, Kansas State University.


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